Master Guest User Management in Linear

Streamlining Guest User Management in Linear with SteelSync

Aug 1, 2024

Share your SteelSync board (based on your Linear data)

Unlock Seamless Guest Collaboration in Linear with SteelSync


Tired of the complexities and costs associated with guest user management in Linear? Discover how SteelSync simplifies guest user management, eliminates extra fees, and enhances collaboration. Transform your Linear experience today.

Common Challenges in Guest User Management

Many organizations face hurdles like high costs, limited functionality, and complex user management. If you’re struggling with these issues, SteelSync offers solutions that can streamline your guest user experience and maximize collaboration.

Linear pricing table

High Costs

Guest accounts in Linear can incur additional fees, which add up quickly. For example, Linear charges $15 per user per month, making it expensive for teams with numerous external stakeholders.

Restricted Functionality

Guest users often face limitations in access and capabilities, impacting their ability to collaborate fully. This can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities for input.

Complex User Management

Managing guest permissions and access can be time-consuming and prone to errors. It’s easy to forget to update permissions or accidentally grant more access than intended.

Overwhelming User Experience

Guests may find the array of features in Linear overwhelming when they only need specific updates or information. This complexity can hinder their engagement and productivity.

How SteelSync Solves These Problems

SteelSync is designed to tackle these pain points directly, offering a streamlined solution for managing guest users in Linear:

Linear has a strong directory of official integrations to increase the overall Linear Experience ❤️ SteelSync is part of them now

SteelSync board exemple snapshot

Free Guest Access

Forget about extra costs. SteelSync provides free guest access to your boards, allowing unlimited external stakeholders to collaborate without additional fees. This makes it cost-effective to include clients, contractors, and other non-team members in your projects.

SteelSync settings privacy snapshot

Simplified Permissions

SteelSync offers intuitive controls for managing guest permissions. Customize what guests can see and do with ease, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected while allowing for effective collaboration.

SteelSync privacy settings snapshot

Enhanced Collaboration

With SteelSync, guest users can interact directly with your project boards. They can view progress, comment, request features, report bugs, and upvote ideas—all in one place. This direct interaction boosts communication and productivity.

SteelSync board collaboration example

Flexible Scalability

SteelSync’s solution scales with your organization. Whether managing a few guest users or coordinating multiple stakeholders, SteelSync adapts to your needs, providing the right level of access and collaboration.

Easy Integration

Getting started with SteelSync is a breeze. Integrate it with Linear seamlessly, and start enjoying improved guest user management with minimal setup time.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using SteelSync for Guest User Management

  1. Sign Up for SteelSync
    Create a free account on SteelSync to start managing your guest users.

  2. Connect Your Linear Account
    Integrate SteelSync with your Linear workspace following the straightforward setup instructions.

  3. Create and Configure Boards
    Set up your boards, choosing whether they should be Public or Private with an access code. Tailor the permissions to suit your guest users’ needs.

  4. Invite Guest Users
    Share the board URL (and access code if applicable) with your external stakeholders for seamless collaboration.

  5. Start Collaborating
    Enhance your project management with streamlined guest interactions and efficient communication.


SteelSync is the key to mastering guest user management in Linear. By eliminating extra costs, simplifying permissions, and enhancing collaboration, SteelSync addresses common challenges and delivers a powerful solution.

Start using SteelSync today to transform how you manage guest users and improve your overall Linear experience.

François - Founder

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1. How does SteelSync integrate with Linear?

2. Is there a cost associated with guest users on SteelSync?

3. Can guest users perform tasks in Linear via SteelSync?

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